
A Grace Greater than Betrayal

We lean into the powerful story of Jesus restoring one of the most prominent figures in

all of the Bible. Peter, as devoted as he was in following Jesus, his failure and fall were

greater than the most of us. As Peter was distraught in guilt and shame, Jesus restores

him in a powerful way. Why do we betray Him? And just how deep does His mercy run?

What iniquity is there that His mercy and grace cannot cover? We long to be immersed

in His restoring power today.

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Rooftop Church
In Desperation and Faith

We can all desire for something good. We can desire God to renovate our hearts. We can desire to God to move mightily in our lives. But desire will only get us so far, unless our desire leads us to be desperate enough to take action in encountering Jesus.

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Rooftop Church
Your Investment Portfolio & God

We explore the similarities between money and God. As we strive to work hard and be financially stable (well-off), we can easily go wayward making money the center of our lives. Spiritual currency of trusting God rather than in financial wealth is what matters most to God (who provides everything for us / who is the giver of life).

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Rooftop Church
I Love My Church

Today is Membership Sunday. It’s a day where we welcome and install new members to our tribe. We also have the privilege of installing a new board member as well. I am reminded of how much I love my church. On this important day, we learn how God has called each one of us to belong to this community and He continues to encourage us to build this church together.

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Rooftop Church