Sermons (Copy)

Joshua 12:7-24
What is your inheritance? Do you know what it is that God has prepared for you? The certainty of inheritance radically changes the way we live. The certainty of the future reward impacts how face today and tomorrow. Going through the Israelites’ journey of receiving their allotment of the promise land greatly encourages us to cling to God’s promises for us. We also learn that God allots different portions for different people. We’re to be content and trust in what God has provisioned for us.
What are we thankful for? I’m thankful that our God is a God of second chances. In His abundant grace and mercy, you and I are called to live a life that is worthy of His redemptive love. On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we journey through the story of Jonah and learn what it means to properly respond to the God of second chances.
Today, we want to talk about the importance of fighting from faith. We often see God move in response to bold faith to change impossible situations. Joshua acted upon God’s promises, and he prayed for God to do the unthinkable, the impossible. We are encouraged to have faith like Joshua and be bold.
Joshua and the Israelites mess up big time. A man named Achan was found disobeying God’s orders puts the entire camp at danger. One man’s sin leads to the entire nation’s defeat. Today, we explore the idea of sin, or “messing up”, in relation to God’s work being done. Can our actions prevent us from walking into God’s promises? What is the importance of good character? We learn that the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.
Joshua and the Israelites finally arrive at the front of the wall of Jericho. It is a wall that seems impossible to fall down. But God's promise was to hand Jericho to Joshua. Today, we are going to explore how God has been working and His masterplan to keep the promise that God made with Joshua.
In Joshua chapter4, Joshua and the Israelites have finally crossed the Jordan River. Now, God commands that 12 stones (representing the 12 tribes of Israel) to be picked up from the middle of the Jordan River and to make a memorial so they can remember what God has done for them; the story of their crossing shall be passed onto the future generations. Today, we learn the importance of remembering—what are we to do with the significant events of our lives? How does remembering impact our faith journey?
Today, we begin our journey through the book of Joshua. The Israelites are about to end the 4 decades of wandering in the wilderness and finally enter the promise land. Their great leader Moses has passed away, and God has called Joshua to emerge as the new leader. We see the importance of going where God is calling to go, and doing what God commands us to do.
In honoring Mother’s Day, we lean into the story of Hannah where she displays incredible strength during her journey of motherhood. Not only mothers, but all of God’s people can glean from Hannah’s perseverance, faith, obedience and worship. For those that are weary of waiting or simply struggling to discern what God’s plans are for them can be encouraged and instructed to walk on the path of faith and favor.